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Enrolments to our new Mindfulness and Movement sessions are now open. Beginning in early February, these intimate classes hosted at our Braddon sanctum will be led by certified experts who blend traditional and innovative approaches to facilitate a curated selection of wellbeing experiences. MOVEMENT CLASSES —Yoga Nidra: Every Monday morning at 6.15am An ancient form of guided meditation practised while lying down, yoga nidra is said to create a deep sense of relaxation that extends from the physical body all the way to your more subtle, energetic layers. —Empower Yoga: Every Sunday evening at 6.15pm An athletic, vinyasa-based class to strengthen your body and improve mental clarity. —Yin Yoga: Every Sunday evening at 5pm A meditative class that focuses on long, deep holds to relax and restore joints and muscles. MINDFULNESS CLASSES —A Focus on Women's Health Facilitated by Adytum's resident Naturopath, Sarah Woolner $70 per session, ticket price includes light refreshments. This class occurs every Wednesday night from 7-8pm during the month of February: • 2 February: What a Healthy Menstrual Cycle Looks Like • 9 February: Hormone Disorders • 16 February: Adrenal and Thyroid Issues and their Impact on Menstrual Health • 23 February: Preconception and Pregnancy Support —Astrology After-Hours Facilitated by Adytum's resident Vedic Astrologist, Kody Henry $70 per session, ticket price includes cheese and organic wine.