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“Deep breaths are like little love notes for your body.” - Unknown ——————— When I’m overwhelmed it can lead to a sudden onset of anxiety that I’ve learned to overcome in the past few years. There’s a lot that I can do when I’m feeling this way when I’m at home but of course, it likes to hit me when I’m out and about trying to enjoy life. When this happens it can actually make it worse because all you can think about is not having the right atmosphere to recover quickly. ——————— That’s when @mycalmigo comes to the rescue! CalmiGo is a portable way to control my deep breathing, surround myself with a lavender scent, and give multi-sensory stimulation to achieve deeper relaxation faster than ever. With lights and vibration to trigger deep breathing my anxiousness quickly depletes so I can get on with my daily life. Lavender is one of my favourite scents which always makes me calm so I’m a huge fan of this component. It’s drug-free, safe and I’d recommend checking out their site (link in bio) for academic study results! ——————— CalmiGo also learns my breathing patterns and constantly adapts to me in order to maximize its efficiency so it works every time I’m in need of calming myself down. Stress isn’t something you can constantly avoid so I’m glad CalmiGo has my back in times of need! ——————— Do you suffer from anxiety from stressful situations? ——————— ————— ———