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Why? Because you're in an over-populated, saturated and commoditised profession… … and unless you plan to resign yourself to a short, mediocre career in a profession with abysmal survival rates and appalling low income level, you can't afford to ignore the words of those who've spent three decades in your profession and sit in the Top 0.1% of your industry. Who you learn from matters more than what you learn. The truth is most "coaches" are like most "coaches": "normal", "average" and indistinguishable from every other "coach" in the market. This message is strictly for a very different Coach… … the kind who choose to be everything but "average" and "normal"… … the kind who chooses to be the very best this industry has to offer… … the kind who knows it's no longer good enough to be a coach, and it's no longer good enough to just be "good enough" at coaching… … the kind who chooses to have far greater reach, influence and impact on the market he or she serves. The kind who chooses to be much more that a coach: the kind who chooses to be an Elite Influencer with elite impact. See, I've been in this profession for three decades, and the truth is: in the coaching industry, you can't afford to be one of the crowd anymore… because the crowd impresses no one. Not in a profession which is so over populated it's gone beyond saturation levels. Not in a profession infested with pretenders, charlatans and imposters where every man and his dog claims t
Attention Coach: You'll never read a more career-defining message than this one
Important! This message is NOT for every JMT Member. In fact, it's not for most. It IS for you if you're a JMT Member who markets yourself as a coach, and you're the kind of person who doesn't compromise on personal and profession ethics, integrity, morality and standards. If that's an accurate description of you, I have a question for you: What would it mean to you, your business and your career to be a fully accredited and celebrated Elite Influencer in the Coaching industry? Here's why the question is worth its weight in gold to you: The truth is, you can't afford to be one of the crowd anymore. Not in this industry. Why? Because the crowd no longer impresses anyone. It's no longer good enough to be a "coach" - and it's no longer good enough to just be "good enough" at Coaching. Not in a profession which is so over populated it's gone beyond saturation levels. Not in a profession where survival rates and income levels for coaching businesses are appallingly low And not in a world where every man and his dog calls themselves a "coach" these days. Moreover, if you're to excel in this industry, you MUST be highly credible in the eyes of the market you serve. As credible in your craft as you are in your character. Meaning you can’t afford to operate in the market as someone who bought a “certification” by attending a 3-day speaker conference, rather than earning an industry-recognised professional qualification and accreditation. This is no criticism. It
JMT Coach? Don't Miss The BIG Announcement