🎵✨ The anticipation is building as we prepare for our spectacular Early Music Festival! ✨🎵
Join us for our inaugural concert June 1st at the stunning Saint Ann's Episcopal Parish, Old Lyme where the enchanting melodies of Bach will come to life with the brilliant Emi Ferguson on flute. It's an all-Bach extravaganza you won't want to miss!
We're proud to announce our partnership with WSHU Public Radio for this festival. With world-class musicians gracing our stage, you won't have to leave the shoreline to experience musical brilliance.
Secure your tickets in advance and explore the various options available on our website. Let the music transport you to a world of timeless beauty and unparalleled artistry! https://www.ctearlymusic.org/ 🎟️🎶 #EarlyMusicFestival #BachConcert #EmiFerguson #WSHUPublicRadio #SaintAnnsEpiscopalParish #OldLyme #ShorelineMusic