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Producers: This plugin will make your drums KNOCK! Meticulously crafted by platinum producer & award winning sound designer, DECAP. KNOCK is optimized to be extremely easy to use for beginners and professionals alike to take their drums to the next level. 🥁 PUNCH: Transient shaper, amplifies the attack of your drums, making them more snappy and punchy. 🥁 SATURATE: Adds harmonic distortion while compensating perceived loudness volume. 🥁 SUB: Detects when a kick drum is present, and generates a layered sub frequency tone, giving your kick a deep low end presence. 🥁 AIR: Adds smooth, transparent top end to your drum tracks without even a hint of harshness. 🥁 CLIP: A user adjustiable hard / soft clipper. Push your drums hard without clipping to give your drums a warm, aggressive tone reminicient of pushing vintage analogue gear into "the red". Inspired by the signature sound of the popular drum kit series DRUMS THAT KNOCK, which has helped shaped the sonics of modern music. The ONLY plugin you will ever need to make your drums KNOCK and punch through your mix.
Knock Plugin by DECAP