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{New Business For Sale} With enviable margins and plenty of growth opportunities, and profits over $600,000 p.a. this business won’t last long, enquire now to avoid missing out. A rare opportunity to purchase this well-established (over 25 years in business) and profitable home additions & improvements manufacturing and services business. The business successfully services key regional markets in the fast-growing regions of Southern New South Wales, ACT and North Eastern Victoria. This locally owned business has a terrific team of circa 25 staff members that include full-time managers, full-time, part-time and casual employees and sub-contractors who are keen to remain in the business. This means that while the current owner helps out in the factory and delivery as the need arises, they are not needed on a day-to-day basis. There are many opportunities to grow the business which could include expanding its focus and distribution to include other products, markets and regions. It is expected that a focused and driven owner operator could achieve greater efficiencies, higher sales and improved profits. The business operates from 3 prominent, high-profile locations with secure leases. The main location is owned by the current business owner and is available for purchase separately if desired. For more details, or to speak with the business owner directly visit https://directbusinesshub.com.au/…/home-improvements-servi…/ Key Highlights ✅ Very profitable business
Direct Business Hub
{New Business For Sale} With enviable margins and plenty of growth opportunities, and profits over $600,000 p.a. this business won’t last long, enquire now to avoid missing out. A rare opportunity to purchase this well-established (over 25 years in business) and profitable home additions & improvements manufacturing and services business. The business successfully services key regional markets in the fast-growing regions of Southern New South Wales, ACT and North Eastern Victoria. This locally owned business has a terrific team of circa 25 staff members that include full-time managers, full-time, part-time and casual employees and sub-contractors who are keen to remain in the business. This means that while the current owner helps out in the factory and delivery as the need arises, they are not needed on a day-to-day basis. There are many opportunities to grow the business which could include expanding its focus and distribution to include other products, markets and regions. It is expected that a focused and driven owner operator could achieve greater efficiencies, higher sales and improved profits. The business operates from 3 prominent, high-profile locations with secure leases. The main location is owned by the current business owner and is available for purchase separately if desired. For more details, or to speak with the business owner directly visit https://directbusinesshub.com.au/listing/home-improvements-services-business-operating-throughout-southern-n