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I always thought that Jesus was simply dispatched to die for mankind, because the Book says He was ‘sent’ as the only Begotten to die for our sins (John 3:16). However, Philippians 2:5-8, sheds more light on the subject of Jesus’ coming upon the earth. The Book said, He THOUGHT it not robbery to be equal with God; He MADE Himself of no reputation; He TOOK upon Himself the form of a servant; He HUMBLED Himself and became OBEDIENT unto death, even the death of the cross. Wow! Jesus’ going to the cross involved His will to do so, it was not forceful. Every statement about Jesus’ coming and crucifixion, involved His agreement and humility. He was called the last Adam (1 Corinthians 15:45), because the first Adam, who failed, was also the son of God (Luke 3:38). Adam could have lived, if he was obedient not to eat of that tree. Jesus lives because He was obedient to hang on the tree (Galatians 3:13). Jesus had the choice because His death was a shameful one, hence, “the death on the cross..” He didn’t die in His sleep, He agreed to die on the cross in humiliation. The Book said that because of His humility to die for mankind, God had also highly exalted Him and given Him a Name that is above every other name. The Book says when we humble ourselves under the Mighty Hand of God, we will be exalted in due season (1 Peter 5:6). When we humble ourselves to the Lord’s leading, He will lift us up! IN GOD, HUMILITY IS THE ROUTE TO ELEVATION.