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Pro Tip - the ability to express strength is far more important than actual strength. It doesn't matter how strong your posterior chain is, if you have a issue like poor ankle mobility, you can express that strength, you are going to wobble and fall. ​ ​This is the same reason you should squat in chucks, barefoot or proper lifting shoes, and the same basis your wrists flapping about during a bench makes you weaker. ​ ​Getting a coach or getting self analytical allows you to review 'losses' during each movement, and fix those movements. ​ ​For example, one of the guys here moved his squat from 225 to 235 by only working on his shoulder mobility so his elbows didn't pop up and back during low bars. ​ ​As much as its the most hated thing in strength sports, as you age and sit more an more at a computer, you are likely going to have to stretch (somehow it still seems harder than squatting to us). ​ ​Its a lot of info for a single post, but if you can't comfortably complete movements during a warmup, you can't comfortable apply speed/force,l fixing this is way more important that doing more reps. Something like the belt squat wide here that drives hips forward is a excellent example of creating a better ability to express strength in low bars and sumo
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Pro-Tip (and pretty much the most important thing you need to understand). There are three primary ways to get stronger ​1. Muscular activation ​2. Increase in muscular size / hypertrophy ​3. Skill acquisition/improvement ​ ​That's it. If you can't zoom out from your program and go 'oh, this is achieving X' then you have a issue. ​ ​With more and more people have a home gym, we are seeing more and more people ask us how 'to get strong' and surprised programs that do not cater to the above do not succeed. ​ ​We would suggest that beginners can do close to anything and muscular activation will make them stronger week to week. Once you get to a certain stage, hypertrophy is simply difficult. Its hard. Many many studies are done on this (NCBI is better than a fitness vlog) that show low intensity (ie, lighter stuff) does not need to be to failure, but high intensity (heavy) does require closer to failure FOR HYPERTROPHY. Simply put, sitting around 80% of max at 8RPE for the majority of your program has debatable attribution to muscular size and also to muscular activation. ​ ​We are 100% aware in this sport people use exogenous supplements to gain size, but the idea that a healthy male can't bench 140 on the nat is simply wrong. It may take 20 years, but you can do it. Before you say every bro with big pecs is on, you could try doing training toward muscular size. ​ ​This may not be what people want to hear, but you NEED to understand that many powerlift
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