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100% of all large intestine has been removed. He is way too young to go through somthing like this! Adam (2 years old), is currently fighting a complicated disease. Adam suffers from three types of colon diseases (Hirschsprung’s disease, Bowel Malabsorption, Adrenal Ganglioneuroblastoma). Since birth, Adam has suffered with health problems after health problems. Adam did not defecate after three days of birth, the doctor suspects Adam has intestinal problems. Since then, Adam has undergone six surgeries. Every month Adam’s family had to incur high financial costs for, not only for Adam’s treatment but also for Adam’s daily necessities such as drinking of milk and daily diapers. Adam’s parent had depleted all their saving and money for the surgeries and continuous treatment costs. Therefore, We from Myheart, in collaboration with MyFundAction, seek your financial support and prayers to help Adam Thaqif get through this condition and return home with the best health. Surely prayers and good words help but let's put that faith into action to help ADAM THAQIF! We are in desperate need of your generous contribution. Because of your generosity and good heart, many families out there are surviving.
Medical Equipment Fund for Adam Thaqif - MyFundAction