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📣Attention Med SLPs: Here are six ways your dysphagia clinical practice will transform inside and outside of the fluoroscopy suite after you complete our upcoming 8-hour course, “The VFSS: Foundations, Clinical Concepts, and Case Studies” 1. Arrive to the fluoro suite with a clear plan. 2. Accurately identify and document what you see on videofluoroscopic swallow studies (VFSS). 3. Strengthen your collaboration with the radiologist and other team members involved in your patients’ dysphagia care. 4. Advocate for what you need by using a deeper understanding of VFSS standardization practices. 5. Apply other fluoroscopic swallow procedures to the entire dysphagia picture. 6. Identify key swallow patterns & profiles that are linked to specific underlying causes (e.g. brainstem damage, Parkinson’s disease, myositis...) Just imagine if you could better identify things like... •Esophageal webs •Cervical spinal disorders •Cricopharyngeal bars •Strictures •Tracheo-esophageal fistulas •Primary vs secondary pharyngeal dysphagia *Undiagnosed underlying causes of dysphagia What would happen? Your clinical investigation and decision-making process would grow. Your interprofessional collaboration would see a major upgrade. And, awkwardly...your patients and radiologists might start looking at your with stars in their eyes 🤩 I invite you to kickstart your transformation (thus your patients’ transformation) today by registering for this full-day cou
Medical SLP Education | ASHA CEU Approved