
Top nichescraper Ad on facebook

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😡 I can’t stand lazy dropshippers. It seems half of the people dropshipping these days expect immediate results with little to no effort. That may have worked 5 years ago, but listen up guys, nowadays you need to work HARDER and be SMARTER than your competition. For example, did you know when you sort products on AliExpress by “order count”, it’s including all orders in the last 6 months? This means that these products with the most orders are almost always the most oversold and saturated by other dropshippers... yet everyone keeps trying to sell them. 😰 Want you really want to look for is products that have been growing fast in the past week, relative to other products in the same category... 📈 This is known as a product's relative growth rate. This will help you find products that are on the verge of "breaking out" before there is too much competition. I talk about this tactic in the video below and explain how a tool called Niche Scraper can help you uncover these types of products before anyone else. Check that out here ➡ https://nichescraper.com ------------------------------------------------------------ 💡 Another great way to find winning products is to simply research what is already working for other stores. For example, did you know that you can publicly view almost any Shopify store's best selling products? It's like having immediate access to their list of winning products... But this does NOT mean you should just test the first
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