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Hello everyone - I want to share a brand with you that truly excites me ❤️ @microbeformulas (use my discount code: ecocouple) if you know anything about me you know how diligent I am about finding the best products on the market- after months of extensive research I came across this brand that has made a true difference in my own journey! The more I learned about the detox pathways the more i realized how important it is to support those pathways! So that when we are detoxing the body those toxins can leave the body and not be reabsorbed through recirculation! I have embarked so deep into the detox journey that I am compiling all my knowledge for you and look forward to making some pretty awesome announcements 🌺 in the meantime join me on the 1st protocol (I’ve been on it for a little while) once I am completely done with breastfeeding I will be stepping my detox up with the full moon cleanse 🌝 you can find more info on my highlights 🌈 for those of you who have already purchased your full moon kit and are already in the WhatsApp group I’m beyond excited - I have some beautiful emotional exercises coming up- because detoxing is not only about cleaning the inside of our bodies but also our minds and thoughts that can also be very damaging to our bodies! I look forward to sharing so much more with you all soon…. Stay tuned 💋 #ad #advertisementbyconviction #detox #detoxpathways #healingjourney #longhaulers #wellness #healthandwellness #supportingthebody #bio
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