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Go to bed smarter each day. __"Read 500 pages, every day. That's how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest". [Warren Buffett] As we're on the countdown to the last days of the platform at the end of this month, I want to remind you of one of the most important lessons I've taught here since back in 2013 when we got started: The importance of #Reading. We all read these days, more so than at any other time in history. The guy looking at his small phone following social media platforms actually reads a lot! He probably reads as much volume of writing as Warren Buffett! So don’t say things like: “I cannot read long things”. The secret to unlocking “hidden treasures” is #Reading – but #Reading the right stuff! I read very fast, and very intensely, at the same time. I trained myself to be able to do this! You can train yourself to do this, too -- if you really want to, and if you are convinced it is what will set you apart. It is the most valuable of all #Skills! __Let me give you a simple tip: Start reading enjoyable books to speed up your reading, through practice. Even if it’s just thriller novels—start there! Just read, read, read! Even though I read a lot of very serious material every day, and I’m very fast at it, I find that I have to filter out things that “crowd out” my reading time. One day I sat down to find time for reading and listening to entrepreneurship issues and I found there was no time left! Then and there I removed