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🍀VITEDOX🍀 🍀ABOUT THE BRANDS🍀 ▪︎From the start, Vitedox Nutrion has been about family, authentically and a core commitment to our collective well-being. ▪︎It all started with our parents back in 1976 they met at Naturopathic College and soon began their first herb based venture foundation for herbal retreats that eventually evolved into a Naturopathic lectures built on our parents values. While the project was a success, they learned that they wanted to work with the plants themselves. They started wildcrafting in the hills around town relying on their books to help them identify herbs and tech them how to revive traditional methods of herbalism. 🍀KINDS OF PRODUCTS🍀 ▪︎Vitedox Lungwort Lungs Support Supplement ▪︎Vitedox Shilajit Immune Support Brain Boost Supplement ▪︎ 🍀FEATURES🍀 ▪︎Nature-based ▪︎Highly Absorbed ▪︎Gentle in the body ▪︎Backed by strong research 🍀BRAND: @vitedox 🍀AVAILABLE ON: Vitedox Nutrition ( Website) 🍀SPONSORED BY🍀@revtag_ph 🍀REVIEW🍀 ▪︎Overall I like these products. These supplements help you become healthier in a natural way. Honestly, I love supplements that're made with natural ingredients and I also like how herbs are applied to produce these supplement. It aids our bodies to dexotify, be stronger and healthier.